четверг, 6 октября 2011 г.

in ten-year time

Driving home from my job at a company as an architector in Swezerland with a load of fresh produce and groceries for tomorrow's dinner in the back seat, next to my little boy's car seat who should be about 1 or 2 years old at this time. I will pull into the drive way of my green pre-fab house with lots of windows that i designed with my husband help. After i will buy some food from the best restaurant of Swezerland for the dinner, where will be all my family (husband, son, mother, father, sister and brother). I will finish Oxford university, my sister Cardiff university and brother-UCL. All of us will be successful and will take our parents to live near of us.

My husband will, of course, be the stay-at-home parent to raise our kid as I trust him with all my heart to do an amasing job at teaching her all about life. He will scoop up our little boy, give me a long, welcoming kiss, walk me to the kitchen where a delicious dinner will be awaiting on the table. I'll put away the groceries while he serves everyone and we'll discuss our next trip to China because we love travel and we will travel a lot for all over the world.

That would be my comfortable life in ten years.

Now, if you want to know where I REALLY see myself in ten years, I'll be doing all of the above, but instead of acting like the loving mother and wife I should be. My future life will be perfect!

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