вторник, 19 апреля 2011 г.

essay- crime

The only way to cut crime in our country is to make punishment more severe.
I want to tell you about crime and police work in my country- Estonia, Tallinn. At first, I think that punishment has to be more cruel. For example, for killing people, i would give death penalty. For rape, i would castrate. Punishment has to be as reform. Everyone has to respect the rules and follow them.
Secondly, sometimes it is good to write about punishment in a newspaper. People would be scared more and will not do the crime. I hope that it could help to control people.
Also it could be better not to sell alcohol for under 21 years old people and for already drunk people. Because very often a crime happens because of the alcohol or drugs. There could stay some people to control shops, that they do not sell alcohol for under ages people, near food shops. If they did - to give them a huge fine. Because Estonia is in the top on consumption of cigarettes and alcohol.
At third, every 3 years everyone has to come to control their psychological state. Because of this problems people commit crimes unknowingly. In this way, Doctors can to prevent the crime.
I hope my opinion could help to cut crime in Estonia.